Thank you!

To My Dearest Readers,

Thank you so much for all the love and support you have given me over the last 5 years. It’s truly been a remarkable journey to be working with the faeries and giving weekly readings to all of you. I have learned so much about myself through this process and I am so grateful to be where this has taken me. I hope you all have enjoyed these readings and that some of you may have benefited from them in some way or another, over the years. It’s been an incredible privilege to come here every week and to share these gifts from the faeries with you.

This part of the journey, I am sorry to say, has come to an end. While I still feel connected to the faeries in my day to day life, and I still receive many blessings from them, for which I am eternally grateful, I no longer feel a calling to do these weekly readings. Over the last few weeks, I felt this need or desire just stop. There is no deep reason or meaning behind me ending the readings, I just no longer feel driven or compelled to do so. My heart, quite literally, just isn’t in it anymore. I take this as a sign that I am now entering a new phase of my journey. My path has taken a different turn. And, if you have been following my readings for any period of time,  you would know that I place great importance in following my heart. I listen to my intuition, and every cell in my being has told me to stop, and so I must do so.

I wish you all the best in this life, and I am so glad I got to share some of this trip with you. I will keep this blog up, and I may post anything that I write that is faerie related on to it, but I suspect this site will be mostly inactive.

Thank you again, for everything.

I love you,



Winter Faerie by Wendy Ward


Faerie Card Reading for the Week of December 31, 2018 – January 6, 2019

Card: The Miracle of Forgiveness/Archangel Jeremiel – from the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray.

“In every challenging area of your life right now there is opportunity to forgive. Forgiveness is deconditioning of the mind. It is this process that takes place when we let go of fear and choose to love instead. It is a miraculous procedure that breaks down the barricades that shut off our heart and soul from the most divine and abundance of experiences. Your Guardian Angels are encouraging you to choose forgiveness today, as you deserve to experience only love in your life and your spiritual journey.”

Message from Erin: What a great card for us to receive on the last day of the year., and to bring in the new year with. Forgiveness. In order to move forward into 2019, we are being asked to let go of all the extra weight we’ve been carrying around with us from 2018. What are we afraid to let go of? Are you carrying around hurts and pain from other people’s transgressions? What old concepts and ideologies are we holding on to? What is no longer serving us?

Who do I have to forgive? To be honest, I can really think of anyone I need to forgive, except for myself. Gosh, I am really holding on to all the things I regret saying or doing. I can really do some stupid and embarrassing things. I also want to forgive myself self for not doing all the things I wanted to do. It’s okay that I didn’t accomplish all my goals, dreams and desires. If these are things I still want, I can always achieve them tomorrow.

And so, today I am spending some time reflecting and working on forgiveness so that I can move forward with myself and others into 2019. Despite all the awful things that happen in our world, we still have so much to be grateful and thankful for. I want to spend the next year really just focusing on everything that brings myself, and others, good feelings. I want us to help ease ourselves from all our troubles. Ease and grace, 2019.

I love you all.


Faerie Card Reading for the Week of December 24 – 30, 2018

“Dandelion is here to empower you with vitality. Your wishes and prayers have been heard. You will persevere. This powerful herb is helping you work through the layers of this situation by bestowing on you the qualities of strength, determination, and adaptability.”

Card: Dandelion – from the Angel Dreams Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue and Melissa Virtue.

Message from the Faeries: Did you ever, when you were a child, blow on a dandelion and make a wish? When you made your dandelion wishes, did you believe with all your heart that your wishes would come true? Did you experience of joy of your wish being granted?

Some people see the dandelion as a weed, as a nuisance, but they are really a very powerful plant. The dandelion medicine can taste quite bitter, but it is very effective. Imagine what kind of power it has in assisting you with your wishes, dreams and prayers. The key to working with dandelion medicine is that you have to faith in it. You have to believe with all your heart, just like a child, that your prayers will be answer.

This week is full of magic and wonder, for so many people, and it would serve you well to take advantage of this. Spend some time this week cultivating gratitude for all that you have. Count your blessings and be grateful. Then, spend time being excited and grateful for all of the amazing things that are coming into your life now. Make way in your heart for many wonderful things to come. Your wishes can and will come true.

Merry Christmas to those of you who celebrate.

We love you,

The Faeries

Faerie Card Reading for the Week of December 17 – 23, 2018

Card: 59 The Song – from The Heart of Faerie Oracle by Brian and Wendy Froud.

“If you draw this card, it may be time to stop and listen. Put your hand on something close and be aware of what you feel. Awareness and connection are so important. Relationships falter when connections are lost and energies blocked. If you feel that a relationship is stuck, the listening for the song of the other person. Pay attention! That is one of the most important lessons that Faerie has to teach us: pay attention, and the energy will start to flow again.”

Message from the Faeries: If you are feeling low energy right now, or that there is a heavy weight all around you, this week will be a time to move past it. You can move through the this dark period, which is related to it being close to the shortest day of the year, by paying attention to what exactly is going on both within you and in your immediate surroundings.

There will always be shadows and darkness, but it’s up to you how you are going to interact with them. Are you hugging the darkness close to your heart, or are you allowing it to move freely around you, not feeling the need to try and absorb it? Are you allowing the light to shine into your eyes and letting it fill up your soul?

This is your dance and you choose what song you are listening to. If something you are focusing all your energy on isn’t making you feel good, why not move away from it for a bit and think of a new way you can move with it? You create the energy around you just as much as everything and everyone else does. You can choose which energy to dance with. Maybe consider the idea that energy is something to played with and entertained, but not something you need to form a long relationship with.

We hope you find new songs to listen to and move with this week.

We love you,

The Faeries

Faerie Card Reading for the Week of December 10 – 16, 2018

Card: Spiritual Gifts – Archangel Raziel – from the Angel Prayers Oracle Cards by Kyle Gray.

“Your spiritual gifts and talents are starting to come into alignment at this time. Whether you realize it or not, you have the special ability to inspire others through your own personal achievements, goals and lessons. Ask yourself how you can pass on any of your lessons to others in a gentle and supportive way. Also, be aware as your psychic and intuitive abilities are strengthening – the Angels are preparing your energy to help you share.”

Message from the Faeries: Some of you might be wondering what exactly a spiritual gift is. We believe that all of you possess unique qualities that provide you with the ability to help yourself and others. These remarkable healing qualities that all of you possess are your spiritual gifts.

Sometimes you might feel out of touch with your healing gifts. You might feel a lack of connection to yourself, others, or the world around you. It’s natural to go through phases in your life where you feel out of touch with your intuition or empathy. The world you live in can be quite overwhelming, and it’s normal to want to disconnect and retreat from it for a while.

There is a high demand, at this very moment, for you to open yourself up, even just a little bit, and extend your healing gifts. If not for others, then for yourself. Whether it’s just sitting and listening to someone tell you their stories, or giving some loving advice to a friend, or maybe it’s just sitting quietly with yourself in silent meditation, or praying for world peace. Whatever your calling is, please take some time this week and reach out with your gifts. Everyone really needs it right now, and so do you.

If you don’t feel safe reaching out to others, or being a support to anyone, then just be there for yourself. Either way, the universe will support you. There is no cause for worry of harm. If you follow your inner guidance, you will be lead to where you need to be. A little prayer will go a long way. Remember that there is always a light shining, and the light comes from you.

Sending you all our love.

The Faeries

Faerie Card Reading for the Week of December 3 – 9, 2018

Card: 42 Wave of Bliss – from The Secret Dakini Oracle by Nik Douglas and Penny Slinger.

“A highly fortunate card, indicating the resolution of a problem and the washing away of any remaining attachment to personal limitations. It indicates the consummation, or an erotic or spiritual nature, and the fruit of any physical or spiritual moment of union. It is a highly mystical card, suggesting that harmony can be achieved by plunging with faith into a situation, surrendering to the higher order of the Bliss Wave.”

Message from the Faeries: What a big wave of good tidings coming your way right now! Are you ready for all the wonderful things coming your way? Are you getting ready to ride the wave of bliss? If you aren’t ready, you always have a few options. You can just let go and let the wave wash over you. You can let it carry you away. Or, you can just stand there and let it hit you like a tonne of bricks. The choice is always yours.

Some people might think that it’s ridiculous that someone wouldn’t want to ride a wave of bliss, but there are actually many people in the world who would rather not have their boat rocked by any waves at all. These smooth sailors really prefer to paddle along peacefully on calm waters. But we all know that life isn’t like that. There will always be a wave that comes crashing in at some point or another.

We think surfing and sailing are pretty fun activities – both literally and figuratively – so we always have our boards and paddles ready at all times. A wave of bliss sounds like a pretty good time to us, and we really think it would a pretty fun thing for you to experience. You deserve to feel good and have a good time. You deserve joy and bliss in your life. You deserve to experience the feeling of satisfaction of achieving your goals and aspirations. We hope you decide to wax your board and ride the waves. Enjoy!

We love you,

The Faeries

Faerie Card Reading for the Week of November 26 – December 2, 2018

Card: New Love – from The Romance Angels Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

The Romance Angels have sent you this card like a Valentine greeting, signaling the introduction of someone new into your love life! Perhaps you’ve recently met this person and your interest was piqued. This card validates that your connection was mutual and real. It is safe for you to explore it, and the Romance Angels will guide your actions accordingly.

Message from Erin: I am often surprised by the cards that I’m guided to choose for the weekly reading. The faeries are always pushing me in interesting directions. The guidance is always spot on, but every once in a while I’m not in the flow and I experience some resistance to the card that gets selected. Today’s card is a bit challenging, but I know and trust that this is the message for the week.

What is new love? Yes, it can be the excitement of meeting someone new and falling in love. I have been fortunate to experience this feeling a few times in my life. What a thrill! What a rush! New love can also meeting a new person that you connect with on a deep soulful level. I have also been blessed with connecting with members of my soul family in this lifetime. The feeling is like coming home to a place you didn’t know you were missing. New love can also be that moment when you discover something about yourself that you think is quite remarkable and you feel a genuine fondness towards yourself you never had before. I have also been blessed in this life with finding a true love for myself.

I honestly find myself in a place in my life that I never knew I could possibly be. I have not been in a romantic relationship for over eight years now, and I have gone through many phases on this journey alone. At first I was hurt and felt that there was something wrong with me. I was in this state for a few years. I thought a romantic partner would make me whole and complete me somehow. Then I started to realize slowly over time that there wasn’t anything wrong with me.

Over the last few years I’ve gone through some surprising stages of being alone. I’ve learned so much about myself and I’ve discovered that my relationship with me has become the most important relationship I’ll have in this life. When I was a young woman I didn’t have any love for myself at all, and now I can say that so really like myself a lot and I enjoy my own company immensely. I prefer being alone, and I think I’ve found a pretty good balance of also enjoying the company of friends, family, and even neighbours, in the last few years. I’m not a loner, by any stretch, and yet I really like hanging out with myself.

When I looked at this card I scoffed. I have had zero interest in dating or creating situations where I might meet a potential relationship. It’s been completely off the radar. I’ve started to wonder recently if I might be somewhere on the asexual spectrum as I no longer feel driven by a libido. Why am I sharing all of this? Because I want others, who might be where I am at, to know that you aren’t alone. It’s okay to not want a boyfriend or girlfriend. It’s okay if you don’t want to settle down or get married. You are here to live your story and no one else’s. It’s okay to break social norms. It’s okay if your dreams and desires change as you do.

As for this New Love card, and what it means to me, it could mean that I meet someone. I can make space for that idea in my heart. Anything is possible. However, I want to be clear that I only want a romance in my life if it’s going to make my relationship with myself even stronger and healthier than ever before. I only want to fall in love with someone else if it brings me closer to my best self. I only want a romantic partner if it means that I have a deeper connection to the world and the people around me. Anything else just isn’t good enough. I welcome all forms of new love into my life, but especially self-love.

What kind of new love do you want in your life?

I love you,


Faerie Card Reading for the Week of November 19 – 25, 2018

Card: Queen of Fire – from the Angel Tarot Cards by Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine.

“Now is the time to stretch your wings and really fly. You’ve been underestimating yourself and your abilities. Believe in all that you can do and accomplish. You’ll naturally attract other people to assist you. Assert your independence and creativity.”

Message from the Faeries: It’s to let loose and get those creative energies flowing! If you’ve been feeling like you are in some kind of slump and lethargic, then this week you’ll feel a boost of energy. Projects that have been put to the side will now be back in the forefront of your mind.

The Queen of Fire is a magnificent creator. Not only is she very artistic, she is also gifted in brining ideas into physical being. You don’t have to be an artist if you want to bring your ideas into reality. Hard work and dedication will go a long way.

You all have wonderful imaginations, and everyone has dreams that are meant to be brought into reality. Trust in yourself, and know that you are fully capable of turning your ideas into something tangible. We aren’t just talking about creative projects here. We are talking about the life that you are making for yourself every day.

Try spending this week thinking of yourselves as creators of your life. What life are you making for yourself at any given moment? What kind of future are you wanting to orchestrate? What are you inventing right now? Imagine that every moment of your life was created by you. What can you do to change the things you don’t want?

We hope you have fun with building your life the way you want it.

We love you,

The Faeries

Faerie Card Reading for the Week of November 12 – 18, 2018

Card: XVII Stars – from the Mystical Cat Tarot by Lunaea Weatherstone.

Never doubt that you are unique and precious. You are a vital part of the great dance of the cosmos. Have faith that everything in your life is unfolding exactly as it is meant. Trust that the pattern will become clearer to you in time. Choose your next actions with the surety that you are being divinely guided.”

Message from the Faeries: Are you feeling lost, or are you feeling at home, with where you are in the Universe right now? If you are feeling at home, then congratulations! We are so happy that you are feeling at ease and cozy with where you are at right now. You are so lucky to be where you are. We hope you appreciate your good fortune.

If you are feeling lost right now, please know that you are not alone. The Universe is a rather large place, haha, and to find yourself where you are, right in this moment, and not really understand how you got to where you are, or to know why you are where you are, makes a lot of sense. First of all, it’s hard to observe yourself! Secondly, how can one fathom just exactly where they are in such a vast amount of space?

In a lot of ways, it doesn’t actually matter how you got where you are and why you are there. The important part is trusting that you are exactly where you are suppose to be, and that you are here living in the moment. Appreciate the fact that not only are you made up of matter, but also recognize that you matter!

This week is about trusting in yourself and trusting that you are exactly where you are supposed to be. Relax and revel in the magnificence of your existence and feel the awe of life itself. Isn’t it amazing?!

We love you,

The Faeries

Faerie Card Reading for the Week of November 5 – 11, 2018

Card: Oonagh – from the Goddess Guidance Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue.

“Nurturing a cause or a relationship is a long-term commitment, and one that can’t be rushed. This level of devotion comes from a place of deep loving and concern…Do what’s important to you, and do it with absolute devotion! But remember that there’s no competition for your true life’s purpose, so there’s no need to worry, hurry, or feel that you have to force things to happen.”

Message from the Faeries: What great blessings to have our beloved Oonagh deliver a message for you this week! This goddess is the embodiment of patience and perseverance. In your world of instant gratification and moving fast, it’s important to be reminded to slow down take it easy.

When you feel a passion towards something or someone, it can feel so good to put all of your attention and desires towards this new relationship. The object of your desire can inspire you to burn up, almost in a feverish state. We ask you, though, is it better to burn up, and eventually burn out, or is a slow simmer better in the long run? While it can be fun and exciting to work yourself up into a frenzy of excitement, the chance of success at the end is pretty slim. We recommend a nice slow burn.

If things are moving too slow for you right now, try to sit back and enjoy the ride. This is the time of year to settle down a bit. If you move so fast all the time, you aren’t taking the time to reflect and pay attention to all the small details. It’s better to take a step back and pay attention to what’s happening all around you, and to also do an inward self-check. What’s really happening right now?

We hope you try to take it easy the week.

We love you,

The Faeries